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EMU Black Rotary Engine

How to setup a rotary engine with the Ecumaster EMU Black

How to setup a rotary engine using the Ecumaster EMU Black:

Some background information about a 2 rotor engine before we begin.
Rotary engines use 2 injectors and 2 spark plugs per rotor.
Each 360 degrees of crank revolution there are 2 complete engines strokes (4-stroke). So each rotor makes 1 complete cycle per 360 degrees. 4 complete strokes per 720 degrees, so you can compare this to a 4 cilinder engine, also making 4 complete strokes per 720 degrees crank revolution.

Trigger settings:
Stock 13B-REW trigger crank pattern is setup as:
Primary trigger: VR Sensor,multitooth, falling, numerber is cilinders 4!, num teeth 12, first trigger tooth 11, trigger angle 40 degrees.
Secondary trigger: VR sensor, trigger type 2 symnetrical teeth, Edge falling.

When using the stock coils: 
Leading ignition use 1 output only. igntion event 1, 2,3 and 4 use output for the leading coil
When using 2 seperate coils: 
Event 1, output leading front coil
Event 2, output leading rear coil
Event 3, output leading front coil
Event 4, output leading rear coil

If you use the stock coils leading there is only one coil for both leading spark plugs. I this case use
Event 1, output leading coil
Event 2, output leading coil
Event 3, output leading coil
Event 4, output leading coil

For the trailing spark: 
Igntion -> Coils -> Ign. out. trailing: enable rotary support, Trailing coil 1: output front trailing coil. Trailing coils 2: output rear trailing coil

Engine displacement 5200cc
2x Small injector Primary
2x Large injector Secondary
The front primary injector is set to event 2 and the rear primary injector is set to event 1.
The squirt twice per cycle need to be enabled as the rotary engine fire each 360 degrees per rotor.
The 2 large seconday injectors are done using the staged injection. Injector ouput # 1 to the front secondary injector and output #2 to the rear secondary injector
These 2 fire at a 180 degrees angle and twice per 720 degrees. So they are timed as it should.

the example map below uses the stock oil metering pump.
We always advice to use 2-stroke oil as well.

Example map: Download here

IGN output 1 (G8): Front Leading
IGN output 2 (G16): Rear Leading
IGN output 3 (G9): Front Trailing
IGN output 4 (B14): Rear Trailing

INJ output 1 (G7): Front Primary
INJ output 2 (G15): Rear Primary
INJ output 3 (G23): Front Secondary
INJ output 4 (G6): Rear Secondary

Basemap: 13B-REW Basemap (right click save as)

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